Thaumcraft 3 Wiki
Thaumcraft 3 Wiki

List Of ThaumCraft 3 Wiki To-Do Items/Pages/Functions/Records

1. A Thaumcraft 3 Wiki Logo and/or icon

2. Preparation for the incoming (?) 3.1 version, like a changelog of all versions of ThaumCraft 3.0

3. A new "missing image" category for incomplete pages without any images.

4. A list of Azanor quotes (linked from official forum) for references.

5. delete the incorrect pages Category:Candidates for deletion problem:The link has no pages plese put incorrect pages in here /\

6. add missing items to research list

7. Add a page on Enchantment effects including an Enchant Compatibility table with other Enchants and Tools,a seperate table on Enchantment effects per level,also add formulas of effect calculation and cost.

8.Add information for Straw Golem workers. 

9. Aspects On the aspect pages, show what research they are used in

10. Add Child mod/addons page to the wiki

11.Add missing reasearchs

12. Update to 1.6.2/.4 or release info on curent dev phase eg Thaumcraft 4
