If you're going to post a page about something, please remember a few things:
1: We need a photo of the object itself. We want it to make it perfectly clear what the object is, so taking photos of it on a superflat world is recommended (It's very obvious then)
2: The categories are:
- Items (Crafting materials, or anything that one cannot use as a tool, wear, nor place)
- Aspects (An Aspect of research)
- NPCs (Mobs)
- Plants (Plants and nature related things that one can grow)
- Blocks (Items that you can place)
- Devices (Items that have function that you do not hold)
- Mod Mechanics (Things that modify how the mod works)
- Important Stuff (Things that people should read to get better)
- Tool (Weapons, hand held functional devices, armor)
3: To help prove something is true about an object, like if it emits light, or if there is a certain kind of object, please post images of them. Or at least an image of their existance in the Thaumonomicon.
4: Also, please try to put a few jokes in there that aren't racist or sexist (unless against zombies, creepers, endermen, etc.). A little humor won't hurt (just don't overdo it)
5: Please try to use this template when possible. I created it in such a way it should be pretty easy to follow for everyone, and should fit into nearly every item in Thaumcraft.