- Advanced Clay Golem Worker
- Advanced Golemancy
- Advanced Stone Golem Worker
- Advanced Thaumostatic Magnetizer
- Aer
- Alembic
- Alienis
- Alumentum
- Amber
- Amber Bricks
- Angry Zombie
- Animus
- Aphrodisiac Concoction
- Aqua
- Arcane Bellows
- Arcane Bore
- Arcane Door
- Arcane Ear
- Arcane Levitator
- Arcane Pressure Plate
- Arcane Transmutator
- Arcane Wood Block
- Arcane Worktable
- Aspects of Magic
- Aura
- Auram
- Axe of the Stream
- Barrows Hill
- Basic Alchemy
- Basic Artificing
- Basic Flux Research
- Basic Transmutation
- Basic aura manipulation
- Bees and Magic
- Bestia
- Bestiola
- Boots of the Traveller
- Bottle of Rainwater
- Brain in a Jar
- Carus
- Changelog
- Cheat Sheet
- Cinderpearl
- Cinnabar Ore
- Clay Golem
- Cognitio
- Compatible Mods
- Concentrated Compound
- Copper Transmutation
- Corpus
- Crucible
- Cryogenic Globe
- Crystal Capacitor
- Crystal Clusters
- Crystal Core
- Crystal of Rainfall
- Crystals of Climate
- Decanting Golem
- Deconstruction Table
- Dungeon loot
- Enchanted Fabric
- Enchanting
- Ender Mirror
- Ethereal Bloom
- Fabrico
- Firebat
- Flos
- Flux
- Flux Filter
- Flux Reducing Ideas
- Fluxometer
- Fortunate Maul
- Fractus
- Fume Dissipator
- Fungus
- Gaseous Glowstone
- Gaseous Tenebrae
- Gelum
- General Discussion Page
- Gentle Frame
- Getting Started
- Getting Started with Thaumcraft 4
- Glass Phial
- Goggles of Revealing
- Golem Accessories
- Golem Animation Core
- Golem Animation Core: Intelligence
- Golem Dart Gun
- Golem Name Tag
- Golem Visor
- Golem name tag
- Golems
- Goliath's Leggings
- Greatwood Tree
- Gunpowder Transmutation
- Helmet of Revealing
- Herba
- Hoe of Growth
- Hungry Chest
- Hyperenergetic Nitor
- Ignis
- Imperito
- Infernal Bracelet
- Infernal Furnace
- Infused Stone
- Infusion Altar
- Installation
- Instrumentum
- Iron Arcane Key
- Iron Capped Wooden Wand
- Iron Golem Guardian
- Iron Transmutation
- Item Grate
- Iter
- Knowledge Fragment
- Lead Transmutation
- Lignum
- Lost Enchantments
- Lost Research
- Lux
- Machina
- Magic Bees
- Magic Carpet
- Magic Frame
- Magic Mirror
- Magic Tallow
- Magic Tallow Candle
- Magical Building Blocks
- Magical Hand Mirror
- Magical Mirror
- Magical Storage
- Malum
- Marker Blocks
- Messis
- Metabolic Frame
- Metallum
- Mirrored Glass
- Mortuus
- Motus
- Mutatio
- Necrotic Frame
- Nether Star
- Nitor
- Node In A Jar
- Nodes
- Notice to Wikia Contributors
- Obsidian Totem
- Pannus
- Permutatio
- Phantom Stone Blocks
- Pickaxe of the Core
- Portable Hole
- Potentia
- Praecantatio
- Purus
- Quicksilver
- Reaper's Scythe
- Research
- Research Table
- Research in Thaumcraft 4
- Researched Item Template
- Resilient Frame
- Rod of the Nine Hells
- Rune Thanatos
- Sano
- Saxum
- Scribing Tools
- Shard
- Shimmerleaf
- Shovel of the Earthmover
- Sigil of Memories
- Silk Cutter
- Silver Transmutation
- Silverwood Tree
- Smokey Quartz
- Solum
- Sonus
- Spellbinding Cloth
- Stark Bees
- Stone Golem
- Stopwatch of the Timetwister
- Straw Golem
- Structures
- Sword of the Condor
- Sword of the Zephyr
- Table
- Taint
- Talisman of Remedium
- Talisman of Withholding
- Tallow Golem
- Telum
- Temporal Frame
- Tempus
- Tenebris
- Thaum
- Thaumaturge's Robes
- Thaumcraft 3-4 Wiki
- Thaumcraft 4
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Thaumium
- Thaumium Axe
- Thaumium Boots
- Thaumium Chestplate
- Thaumium Grafter
- Thaumium Helmet
- Thaumium Hoe
- Thaumium Leggings
- Thaumium Pickaxe
- Thaumium Scoop
- Thaumium Shovel
- Thaumium Sword
- Thaumometer
- Thaumonomicon
- Thaumonomicon Discoveries
- Thaumostatic Harness
- Thaumostatic Magnetizer
- Thaumostatic magnetizer
- The Aura
- Theory of Everything
- Tin Transmutation
- Tiny Fez
- Tome of Knowledge Sharing
- Tool Dynamism
- Transmutation
- Transvector Interface
- Traveller's Paving Stone
- Tutamen
- Unified Thaumic Field Theory
- Vacuos
- Venenum
- Victus
- Vinculum
- Vis
- Visum
- Vitreus
- Void Capsule
- Volito
- Wand
- Wand Cap
- Wand of Dislocation
- Wand of Equal Trade
- Wand of Excavation
- Wand of Fire
- Wand of Frost
- Wand of Lightning
- Wand of Uprising
- Wand of the Adept
- Wand of the Apprentice
- Wand of the Thaumaturge
- Wand of the Tinkerer
- Wands (Effectiveness)
- Warded Blocks
- Warded Chest
- Warded Jars
- Warded Stone
- Warded Stone and Doors
- Wiki To-Do list
- Wisp
- Wispy Essence
- Wizard
- Wizard Tower
- Wooden Golem
- Zombie Brain